22 Rules to Live By

May 20, 2013
A few rules to live by in business, and otherwise...

1-Show up for appointments 10 minutes early.

2-Customers are not always right, but they must be treated as if they are.

3-When speaking before groups, dress up one level from what the group is wearing; e.g., if they wear shorts and tee shirts, you wear business casual.

4-Never offer unsolicited advice.

5-Leave your ego at the door.

6-Don't waste people's time by sending them jokes or stories via e-mail.

7-Do not brag by talking about your accomplishments to people who didn't ask you about them.

8-Be humble.

9-Proofread your e-mails before you send them.

10-80% of your activity should be in your comfort zone, and 20% should be outside it. This keeps you both productive and challenged.

11-Of the people who opt into your e-list, 90% of those who eventually buy from you will do so within 90 days of subscribing to the list.

12-The more recently a customer had made a purchase, the more likely he is to do so again.

13-Old but good advice: under-promise and over-deliver.

14-Don't give your customers their money's worth. Give them more than their money's worth.

15-The easiest way to add value to an offer is with a free bonus gift.

16-The most powerful words in the English language are "free" and "you."

17-Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.

18-Spend time with your children while they are still young enough to want you to spend time with them.

19-Neither a borrower or a lender be.

20-Don't be so sure you are right. Perhaps you are not.

21-Life is short - over in the blink of an eye. So enjoy it now.

22-Avoid discussing religion or politics with colleagues or customers. There is little to gain from it and much to lose.

Bob Bly
Copywriter / Consultant
590 Delcina Drive
River Vale, NJ 07675
Phone 201-505-9451
Fax 201-573-4094