RSES Offers IAQ Seminar

July 1, 2002
The Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES), the Buckeye State Association, and Tecumseh Products Co. will present a one-day seminar titled Indoor

The Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES), the Buckeye State Association, and Tecumseh Products Co. will present a one-day seminar titled “Indoor Air Quality: Beyond the Basics” on August 24. The seminar will take place at the Best Western Springdale Hotel and Conference Center in Cincinnati, OH. Attendees will learn important information on the diagnosis, response, management of indoor air quality problems (IAQ). They will also learn how identify the causes of IAQ problems, health and environmental issues, and how servicing HVAC systems impacts IAQ. How to respond to IAQ-related complaints and how to create an effective IAQ action plan will also be covered. Robert Kish, CIE, will lead the seminar. Kish has 29 years experience in the HVAC industry and is a certified indoor environmentalist. Also available during the seminar will be opportunities for NTC and NATE certification testing. Seminar registration fees are $195 for RSES members and $295 for non-members through August 10. Fees will be $220 and $320, respectively, thereafter. Fees are $245 for members of an industry-related organization. For more information, call Jean Birch at 847/759-4046 or visit