
New Dual-Display Multimeters from Fieldpiece Instruments

March 1, 2007
img src="/images/archive/46156smartprods_00000021338.jpg" width="79" height="200" border="0" align="right"The SC50 Series Dual-Display clamp multimeters
The SC50 Series Dual-Display clamp multimeters from Fieldpiece Instruments are like having two meters in your hand. The SC53 features Capacitance and Temperature settings and includes a k-type thermocouple. The SC52 features Microamps DC and a Diode Test. Both meters measure volts and amps at the same time, with settings for continuity, ohms, and non-contact voltage down to 24V for thermostats, and include a carrying case and test leads. For specifications and more, visit— FIeldpiece Instruments