PHCC Calendar of Events for 2007

Oct. 1, 2006
Essentials of Project Management Course, Jan. 3-6,Lansdowne, VA Quality Service Contractors (QSC) Power Meeting XXVI, Feb. 22-24, Chaparral Suites Resort,

Essentials of Project Management Course, Jan. 3-6,Lansdowne, VA
Quality Service Contractors’ (QSC) Power Meeting XXVI, Feb. 22-24, Chaparral Suites Resort, Scottsdale, AZ
Construction Contractors’ Alliance Meeting, March 7-9, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA
HVACR and Plumbing Instructor Workshop, March 27-30, Lansdowne, VA
PHCC Legislative and Leadership Conference, April 17-22, Capitol Hill and Arlington, VA
Union-Affiliated Contractors Unity Meeting, May 3-5, St. Louis, MO
Essentials of PHC Project Management, June 6-9, Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
QSC Power Meeting XXVII, July 26-28, Washington, DC
National Standard Plumbing Code Hearing, Aug. 23, Falls Church, VA
Network ’07, 125th PHCC Convention, Oct. 23-27, Anaheim Marriott Hotel, Anaheim, CA
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