'Oil Heat Cares' Announces Event

July 28, 2009
The National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers (NAOHSM) has announced the date for the next "il Heat Cares" event.

Lancaster County, PA, is the place to be on Wednesday, September 30, 2009, for a special "Oil Heat Cares" event sponsored by the National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers (NAOHSM). The 4-part program begins at 4 p.m. with a tour of the Manheim Township High School and its first-in-the-country high school geothermal heating and cooling system. The project engineer, as well as the school's mechanic, will be available to answer questions.

Next on the program is a visit to the nearby "Overlook Barn," a recently renovated 18th century barn and restaurant where several manufacturers -- supporters of the Oil Heat Cares program -- will be on hand to show and discuss a variety of new energy efficient products designed to provide customers with energy savings. Dinner will then be served, compliments of the sponsors, followed by the last part of the program, a presentation by Dan Holohan on Heating Around the World.

This seminar is a great way to kick-off the heating season and is made possible in part by sponsors B.G. Mellinger, Schwanger Brothers and Worley and Obetz, all of whom are long-time supporters of the "Care to Ride" fundraising event at the National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers (NAOHSM) annual convention.

All proceeds of this seminar will benefit the Oil Heat Cares program. The registration fee is $69. Registration is available online at naohsm.org or by calling the NAOHSM offices at 888-552-0900.

Oil Heat Cares is a Not-for-Profit Foundation (501C-3) that assists needy persons and organizations with the replacement of their oil heating appliances.