Emerson Climate Technologies, St. Louis, MO, a business of Emerson, will offer comprehensive HVAC instructor kits to industry educators. Instructors will use the information in the kits as learning tools for educating current and future HVAC contractors on many industry topics.
The kits contain information and visual aides to help HVAC educators.
Included are:
— 3- to 5-ton scroll set
— Copeland Scroll Compressor visualizer tools
— Educational posters
— Informational CD-ROM
— Comfort Alert Diagnostics sample module
— Cut-away diagrams of HVAC components
— Information on R-410A
— Information on 13 SEER
To order an HVAC Instructor Kit (Form No. 2006ECT-92), visit EmersonClimateContractor.com, then click on the "literature" link.