Carrier, United Technologies Join EPAs Climate Leaders

May 1, 2003
Carrier Corporations parent company, United Technologies Corp. (UTC), Hartford, CT, announced that is has surpassed its 25% energy and water usage reduction

Carrier Corporation’s parent company, United Technologies Corp. (UTC), Hartford, CT, announced that is has surpassed its 25% energy and water usage reduction goals four years ahead of schedule, and is increasing the goals to 40%. In addition, UTC and Carrier have joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA’s) Climate Leaders program, a voluntary industry-government partnership, which identifies manufacturers that are environmental leaders in adopting aggressive goals and strategies for curtailing greenhouse gas emissions. UTC says that it has lowered its greenhouse gas emissions by 15% since 1977. “UTC’s original conservation plan, announced in 1998, called for the company to reduce both water and energy usage by 25%, as a percent of sales, by 2007,” says UTC Director of Environmental Programs Ellen Quinn. “Through the efforts of our subsidiaries, like Carrier Corporation, UTC has exceeded these goals by achieving a 27% energy reduction and 34% water use reduction through 2002. Therefore, we’ve set a new goal to reduce each by 40% by the end of 2006.” UTC has more than 200 facilities worldwide participating in these conservation efforts, including more than 100 in the U.S. Performance will be monitored annually to track results and identify further conservation opportunities, Quinn said. Site audits and conservation tools are also available to help facilities identify effective savings opportunities. According to John Mandyck, Carrier’s vice president of government and international relations, “You can’t truly bring green products to the marketplace unless you produce them in an environmentally responsible manner. As a manufacturer committed to producing environmentally sound heating, ventilation and air conditioning technologies, we are proud to join EPA’s Climate Leaders Program under the umbrella of our parent United Technologies.” Adds EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation Jeff Holmstead: “EPA applauds United Technologies for its environmental leadership and strong commitment to conserving our natural resources.” For more information about UTC, visit For more information on Carrier, visit