Pay-Per-Click Mistake #1: Sending Shoppers to Your Home Page

May 5, 2010
When new local advertisers first begin using tools like AdWords or Overture (pay-per-click services for Google and Yahoo respectively), they usually grab a bunch of keywords, fill in a pay-per-click (PPC) ad, activate the account and wait for the new visitors to start showing up on their website and requesting their service. Rare is the advertiser who succeeds with such a simple, unrefined campaign.

When new local advertisers first begin using tools like AdWords or Overture (pay-per-click services for Google and Yahoo respectively), they usually grab a bunch of keywords, fill in a pay-per-click (PPC) ad, activate the account and wait for the new visitors to start showing up on their website and requesting their service. Rare is the advertiser who succeeds with such a simple, unrefined campaign.

There are several steps involved in creating a winning PPC campaign. Among them, detailed keyword research and well thought-out PPC ad design. But even if those 2 things are done exceptionally well, your chances of success still hinge entirely on your landing page, or what I prefer to call your Lead Conversion Page.

A Lead Conversion Page is the web page that shows up when a potential client clicks on your ppc ad. For most new advertisers that page is, by default, the home page of their website. Unfortunately, most home pages don’t make suitable Lead Conversion Pages.

A good Lead Conversion Page is one that fulfills the specific promise of the PPC ad. When a client clicks on your ad, they need to immediately find–-in obvious fashion–-whatever it is they wanted when they clicked on your ad.

What that means is if you create an ad for $20 off carpet cleaning, you need to send them to a page that’s all about having their carpet cleaned for $20 off. Not the home page of your site that has information about carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, pet odor removal, water extraction or anything else. The key is you want to eliminate distractions, and make it easy for your visitor to respond to the offer you made in your PPC ad.

Creating a new and improved Lead Conversion Page doesn’t require a major overhaul of your website, or special programming (in most cases). Usually you can just add a page or redo the one you’re already using.

Don’t make the mistake of sending your visitors to your cluttered, distracting home page. Simple is good. Boring is good. Just make sure you’re making it easy for the visitor to find what he’s looking for and take action.

Matt Michel has lectured and consulted with companies about branding in North America, Europe, and Asia. He is the CEO of the Service Roundtable (www.Service To learn more about the Service Roundtable’s unique branding program for contractors that's paid for with rebates, contact Matt by email at matt.michel@ or toll free at 877.262.3341. You can find more on branding at Matt's blog,

About the Author

Matt Michel | Chief Executive Officer

Matt Michel was a co-founder and CEO of the Service Roundtable ( The Service Roundtable is an organization founded to help contractors improve their sales, marketing, operations, and profitability. The Service Nation Alliance is a part of this overall organization. Matt was inducted into the Contracting Business HVAC Hall of Fame in 2015. He is now an author and rancher.