RSES Bestows Prestigious CM/CMS Status on 20

May 1, 2006
Twenty members of the Refrigeration and Service Engineers Society (RSES) attained Certificate Member and Certificate Member Specialist status in April.

Twenty members of the Refrigeration and Service Engineers Society (RSES) attained Certificate Member and Certificate Member Specialist status in April.
To become a CM, RSES members must pass an examination that tests the knowledge required to install and service refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.
CMS status is earned by passing one or more of seven specialist examinations. Specialist exam categories include commercial refrigeration, commercial air conditioning, heating, controls, domestic service, HVACR electrical, and heat pumps.
RSES members awarded CM status and their respective chapters are: Robin P. Corbin, Gary J. Grega, and Fred E. Riggs, Columbus Chapter, Columbus, OH; Paul C. Shurtz, Michael S. Bryant, and Kenny Nelson, San Gabriel Chapter, Georgetown, TX; William L. Jones, Cowtown Chapter, Fort Worth, TX; Jerry G. Parker, Little Egypt Chapter, West Frankford, IL; Gary L. Perdue, Monticello Chapter, Charlottesville, VA.; Gene C. Seilers, Citrus Center Chapter, Lakeland, FL; Kevin C. Wasielewski, Pocono Chapter, Stroudsburg, PA; Richard J. Wirz, National Capitol Chapter, Washington, DC.
RSES members awarded CMS status are: Jerry Williams, Five Star Chapter, Suwanee, GA; Roger W. Raffaelo, Greater Daytona Beach Area Chapter, Daytona, FL; Paul A. Bailey, Elkhorn Valley Chapter, Norfolk, NE; Larry E. Hughes, Southwestern Virginia Chapter, Grundy, VA; William L. Jones, Cowtown Chapter, Fort Worth, TX; Steve P. Phyillaier, Twin Rose Chapter, York, PA; Mark L. Wood, Fargo, ND; Joseph G. Owens, Antelope Valley Chapter, Lancaster, CA; Mark S. Delzell, Columbus Chapter, Columbus, OH.
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