
'Refrigerant 4-1-1' Newsletter Expands to Include Systems, Equipment

Nov. 1, 2012
Send commercial refrigeration product news and specialty refrigeration project profiles to Terry McIver, at [email protected].

The monthly "Refrigerant 4-1-1" email newsletter, distributed at no charge by Contracting, will expand in December, to include product news and project profiles related to specialty refrigeration systems and equipment.

The expanded content will give "Refrigerant 4-1-1" readers an all-inclusive look at what's happening in commercial refrigeration, beyond refrigerants. Refrigerant and refrigerant recovery information will continue to be included.

"We're expanding "Refrigerant 4-1-1" coverage because of the increased activity we see by enterprising refrigeration contractors to incorporate advanced refrigeration systems into supermarkets and other specialty venues, as well as new systems being developed by manufacturers," says Contracting Executive Editor, Terry McIver.

"It's been helpful to our readers to provide monthly updates on refrigerant developments over the past two years. Now, we'll include coverage related to the systems that are charged with newer, more efficient refrigerants, or which incorporate advanced technologies, as we've done in the print edition of Contracting," McIver says.

"Refrigerant 4-1-1" content includes:
"Guest Commentary"
— an open forum from an industry expert who has something to say about developments in the mainstream refrigerant/refrigeration industries. Commentaries are published on a"first come, first served" basis.
"Field Notes"— a monthly update on what's going on in the field related to new system installations.
"Trend Lines" — what do research and development and supply & demand experts have to say about what we can expect to see down the road, or just around the corner.

The "Refrigerant 4-1-1" email newsletter isn't designed to overwhelm readers, just give them a fair sampling of key issues of the day.

Manufacturers of specialty refrigeration systems and components are asked to send product news to Terry McIver, at [email protected]. He can be reached by phone at 216-931-9732.

Commercial refrigeration contractors are encouraged to send project profile news as it happens. Tell the industry about your accomplishments!

To subscribe to "Refrigerant 4-1-1" and other Contracting newsletters, visit this link.

For information on advertising opportunities
in "Refrigerant 4-1-1," contact:

John Ehlen: Midwest/South Central/West — 763-550-2971; [email protected]
Randy Jeter: South/Texas/California: 512-263-7280; [email protected]
Sean Bogle: East/North Central — 215-504-5004; [email protected]