D.S. O’Brien Award Presented at MSCA Annual Conference

Oct. 19, 2011
Russell J. Borst, LEED AP, vice president of service at Hurst Industry, Belmont, MI, was presented the D.S. O’Brien Award of Excellence at the Mechanical Service Contractors of America’s 26th Annual Educational Conference in Colorado Springs, CO, earlier this month.

Russell J. Borst, LEED AP, vice president of service at Hurst Industry, Belmont, MI, was presented the D.S. O’Brien Award of Excellence at the Mechanical Service Contractors of America’s 26th Annual Educational Conference in Colorado Springs, CO, earlier this month. The D.S. O’Brien Award of Excellence was established by MSCA in 2000 to recognize those individuals who exhibit extraordinary dedication and outstanding commitment to the mechanical service contracting industry and to MSCA.

“This year’s recipient of the Spence O’Brien Award is a true leader among his peers, extremely forward-thinking and creative, dynamic and energetic to the extreme and totally committed to our industry and to MSCA.” said Thom Brazel, Chairman of the MSCA Board of Managers. “His energy, enthusiasm and passion on behalf of MSCA are extraordinary and his dedication and commitment to fostering the advancement of the HVAC industry has been widely recognized.”

Borst has been involved in the mechanical service contracting field for more than 20 years. He serves on the MSCA Labor Relations Committee and was previously the chairman of the association’s Board of Managers in 2008. Borst has a bachelor’s degree in engineering technology as well as an applied science degree from Ferris State University in Big Rapids, MI.
