Nearly 100 SMACNA-member contractors made more than 100 visits to their Capitol Hill legislators and staffs at the Legislative Leadership Conference, May 21-23.
SMACNA conference attendees took the opportunity to go on to the Hill and explained to legislators why the positions of union contractors on health care, training, taxes immigration and federal procurement issues make sense for the construction industry and its future. The goal was to focus on issues of concern strictly to the sheet metal industry.
Rep. Peter King (R-3-N.Y.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said regarding his longtime relationship with SMACNA, it had been a pleasure to work with management and labor to find common ground over these past years. He noted that management with cooperative labor partners had done a great job in bringing lower Manhattan back after 9-11.
For full report of the issue papers and other information related to SMACNA’s Legislative Leadership Conference, contact SMACNA' s Capitol Hill office at 202/547-8202.