Take your company to the next level with Contracting Business' Smart Products — a section featuring the latest technical and business management tools from leading manufacturers and service providers. For more information on any of the products listed here, circle the appropriate number(s) on the reader service card at the back of this issue, or go to www.contractingbusiness.com/freeinfo.html. If you're interested in having your company's products appear on these pages, contact your Contracting Business sales representative.
Saber SMART Advanced UV System Plus additional FREE second UVC Lamp
The most advanced UV Object Purifier available at an unbeatable price. Designed to destroy mold on the evaporator coil, the Sanuvox Saber SMART UV light system includes a 3-in. blue backlit LCD display providing real-time system status and other useful user information. The unit ships with an additional FREE 16-in. UVC lamp for the contractor to use as a selling tool or to sell to the homeowner in a year's time when the LCD indicator flashes “Replace UV Lamp”. This additional FREE lamp is easily removed from the full-color consumer packaging. Sanuvox Technologies, 888/SANUVOX (728-8869). www.sanuvox.com — Sanuvox
Advanced Infrared Refrigerant Leak Detector
Fieldpiece's SRL2K7 gives field technicians premium performance in an ergonomic, rugged design. The infrared sensor delivers sensitivity down to 0.1 ounces per year and doesn't trigger on oil or moisture like other types of sensors. A replaceable, water-blocking filter keeps water out of the instrument. Visual and audible alarms trigger on CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs and blends. It senses change in refrigerant levels and is self-zeroing. The SRL2K7 features a sturdy, non-conductive sensor arm, and a rechargeable, 8-hour lithium-ion battery that lasts all day. A magnetic hanger, peak and mute buttons also let technicians work the way they want. Hard case, wall and car chargers, 9-in. flexible and rigid wand extensions, and 10 replacement filters included. — Fieldpiece Instruments
Dave Lennox Signature® Collection SunSource™ Comfort System
The SunSource™ Comfort System, a first-of-its-kind innovation, uses a combination of solar energy and electricity to reduce peak demand on home electric usage. SunSource™ integrates solar power by using a single 190-watt solar panel to assist the operation of the central heat pump fan motor, increasing system efficiency and reducing the power consumed by as much as 8%. Innovative technology helps homeowners conserve energy without sacrificing their comfort. www.lennox.com, 800/9-LENNOX. — Lennox
New Refrigeration System Analyzer from YELLOW JACKET®
The new YELLOW JACKET® refrigeration system analyzer features a full color graphics display that reads in analog, digital or a combination of both. It monitors two pressures, two live temperatures, subcooling and superheat, and saturation temperatures (liquid and vapor) for 84 refrigerants. The analyzer comes standard with the 4-valve TITAN™ manifold and an external, replaceable vacuum sensor. Other built-ins include a pressure/temperature chart reference screen for all refrigerants, dual K-Type temperature-compensated sensor ports and data logging for onscreen review or USB export to a PC. Made in the U.S.A. www.yellowjacket.com/cb or 800/769-8370. — YELLOW JACKET® Products Div. of Ritchie Engineering Co., Inc.
New WIRELESS Refrigerant Scale
Fieldpiece Instruments introduces the SRS2 Wireless Refrigerant Scale. The only scale of its kind, the SRS2 delivers accurate measurements in a heavy duty design and eliminates the clumsy wires that normally connect the hand-held controller and display to the scale platform. The SRS2 features a wireless remote with a bright blue backlight and a flip-up magnetic hat for easy reading. The heavy duty platform is constructed of solid aluminum with ruggedized rubber bumpers. A recessed tank platform and diamond plate rubber pad hold refrigerant cylinders firmly, and the remote stores conveniently in the bottom of the platform. The SRS2 features push button zeroing (tare) and syncing between the remote and the platform. A 33-ft. range gives technicians options while working. — Fieldpiece Instruments
HVAC-TALK.com is an active online community that connects HVAC professionals from all over the world. Contractors use HVAC-TALK.com to network and socialize, gather information, and to ask questions to industry professionals. Check out the educational forums or post a picture to the “Wall of Pride.” With over 100,000 members, users can get answers and replies within seconds of posting to the forum. Best of all, it's free. So why not join today? One hundred-thousand HVAC professionals can't be wrong!
Seismic/Winload Rated Custom Bases from Thybar
Seismic/Windload Rated Bases for secured rooftop mounting of equipment are manufactured to IBC/ASCE7 rated requirements. Manufactured to meet code and designed to be competitively priced, each base is custom manufactured. Options include built-in roof pitch, additional height, built-in filters or sound traps and a pressure treated wood nailer. Stamped calculations are available. Thybar has a licensed P.E. on staff. VISCMA member. Thybar Corporation, 913 S. Kay St., Addison, IL 60101. Tel: 800/666-CURB. Fax: 630/543-5309. www.thybar.com E-mail: [email protected] — Thybar