
HVACR Week Builds Big Mo' With Wednesday Program

Sept. 22, 2010
Major business topics covered by leading HVACR industry professionals

With preliminary numbers showing an increase in attendance, early arrivals for HVACR week cashed in at the education bank, and found themselves that much richer at day's end. HVACR Week is on, and in full swing. HVACR contractors with a hunger and thirst for business management and technical information gathered at the Baltimore Convention Center Wednesday, Sept. 22, for day one of the HVACR industry's annual extravaganza.

The annual HVACR industry extravaganza
is in full swing. Be there!

Conference rooms — some of which were filled to capacity — were alive with ideas on publicity, maintenance agreements, commissioning, financials, customer satisfaction, and more.

Presenters for this first day included: Steve Miles, Matt Michel, Don and Kathie Todd, John and Vicki LaPlant, Bob Woodall, Cal Turner, Vince and Laura DiFilippo, Garry Upton, Tom Peric, Jeff Lee, Dan Boyette, David Holt, Frank Besednjak, and Linda Couch.

Additionally, Women in HVACR held its annual meeting, with presentations on Team Building by Woman of the Year Carol Papesh, Ruth King, Sharon Roberts, Sharon McGee, and Phil Garrett.

Sessions presented today will be repeated over the next two days of the show. Day 2 and 3 will also include the Engineering Green Buildings Conference and the Commercial HVACR Symposium.

The trade show exhibits, with hundreds of exhibitors ready to talk to contractors in search of equipment solutions, will be open Thursday and Friday.

Along with all the ideas and conversation, there was also the fun and hospitality of the Welcome Reception sponsored by Emerson Climate Technologies. The Hilton Baltimore ballroom was filled to capacity with show guests, who came by to end the night with some good socializing and good food, and a peak at Emerson products on display at this year's show.