
Superheat and Subcooling Heads

April 1, 2006
With the new ASX14 and ASX24 Accessory Heads, the tech can read superheat directly and easily. No math. No charts. No need to write anything down. No more excuses. The ASX14 measures Superheat and Subcooling for A/C (R-22 and R-410A). The ASX24 measures ...

With the new ASX14 and ASX24 Accessory Heads, the tech can read superheat directly and easily. No math. No charts. No need to write anything down. No more excuses. The ASX14 measures Superheat and Subcooling for A/C (R-22 and R-410A). The ASX24 measures Superheat and Subcooling for Refrigeration (R-134A and R-404A). The accessory heads come with the ATC1 pipe clamp thermocouple that is specifically designed to make taking suction (or liquid) line temperatures easy. Also added is a "STABLE" LED indicator, to show the user when the reading has stabilized. Visit, or call 714/257-9060. — Fieldpiece Instruments