Lugar Shoots for Wiser Energy Bill

June 7, 2010
Estimated 7% cut in energy use

A new energy and climate change bill introduced by Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind) wisely uses energy efficiency as the core of its provisions, the Alliance to Save Energy said today.

The Lugar Practical Energy and Climate Plan focuses on money-saving efficiency policies that create long-term energy improvement targets for new buildings and appliances, as well as existing homes and commercial buildings.

A call for mandatory performance targets

“The Alliance applauds Senator Lugar for proposing legislation that uses energy efficiency as a key cornerstone of a national energy strategy,” said Alliance President Kateri Callahan. “The bill’s provisions to enact strong building energy codes and fuel economy standards will greatly reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy by cutting America’s overall energy use by nearly 14 percent in the next 20 years.”

“While there are many different approaches to climate and energy legislation being brought forward in the Congress, like the new Lugar bill, almost all include provisions to advance energy efficiency. It is critical that energy efficiency be a cornerstone of any energy bill enacted by the Congress as such provisions not only ‘buy down’ the costs of the transition we must make to a clean energy economy but also are proven job generators,” added Callahan.

It is estimated that the energy efficiency provisions in the bill can cut energy demand nearly 7% and greenhouse gas emissions about 11% by 2030. Those provisions include a call for mandatory performance targets for new residential and commercial buildings, retrofits in residential, small business and commercial buildings, low-interest retrofits for rural consumers, a ramp-up of energy-saving equipment in the industrial sector and developments to existing appliance and equipment energy efficiency standard programs. The bill would also require federal agencies to demonstrate leadership by imposing enhanced energy efficiency standards in federal buildings.