Click here for Tuesday's schedule
Click here for Wednesday's schedule
Symposium AN-04-01 Air-to-Carbon Dioxide Heat Exchangers
Sunday, 8 am to 10 am, Rm. 213A
This symposium focuses on the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of carbon dioxide in a gas cooler and in an evaporator manifold.
Symposium AN-04-02 Testing of Seismic Restraints and HVAC Equipment to Meet Seismic Requirements of the International Building Code
Sunday, 8 am to 10 am, Rm. 208B
This program explains the theory behind seismic forces, how shake table testing of equipment is performed and how seismic restraints are tested.
Seminar 1 California Pier Program: Energy Efficiency Innovations
Sunday, 8 am to 10 am, Rm. 303C/D
This seminar focuses on Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) advances through its residential and non-residential buildings end-use energy building program.
Seminar 2 CNG Systems and Facilities for Indoor and Outdoor
Sunday, 8 am to 10:00 am, Rm. 209A
Compressed natural gas (CNG) characteristics, modification of the existing facilities to perform dual pressure system application and reliability are presented in this seminar.
Seminar 3 Deep Water Cooling Systems
Sunday, 8 am to 10 am, Rm. 208A
This seminar reviews energy usage reduction and environmental benefits of deep-water usage.
Seminar 4 Issues Regarding the Use of R-410A in A/C and Heat Pump Systems
Sunday, 8 am to 10 am, Rm. 210C/D
This seminar covers equipment and system issues related to the use and application of R-410A, an HFC alternative to R-22.
Seminar 5 Modeling the Dispersion of Chemical or Biological Contaminants, Part 1
Sunday, 8 am to 10 am, Rm. 211A/B
Since Sept. 11, 2001 and the subsequent anthrax attacks, there has been greater awareness of the threat that chemical and biological agents pose. Since then, greater emphasis has been placed on the modeling of potential impacts of a release, accidental or otherwise, of chemical, biological, or nuclear materials. This seminar presents results from recent state-of-the-art modeling techniques.
Seminar 6 Test Methods 101: System Chemistry and Contaminants
Sunday, 8 am to 10 am, Rm. 212A/B
Test methods used to ensure refrigerant system chemistry health are presented. The test methods study refrigerant, lubricant, and system protection devices to determine the overall health of the refrigerating system. The results of these tests provide the means for a service technician or project engineer to make wise choices during maintenance or design of a new system.
Seminar 7 The Hows and Whys of Residential Ventilation
Sunday, 8 am to 10 am, Rm. 213D
This session addresses residential ventilation, with an emphasis on climate-specific needs and solutions.
Seminar 8 Underfloor Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Low Energy Buildings
Sunday, 8 am to 10 am, Rm. 210A/B
The seminar addresses a range of topics from design concepts through to onsite practical issues such as building element leakage that could affect the success of underfloor systems.
Forum 1 Can Absorption Help Alleviate Utility Volatility/Supply Interruption?
Sunday, 8 am to 8:50 am, Rm. 213B
The deregulation of utilities such as electricity and natural gas has resulted in fluctuating price structures and supply interruptions. The use of absorption technology, either as a stand-alone system or in conjunction with more traditional equipment, may allow building managers to better meet the heating/ cooling/economic needs for their facilities. This forum addresses the role that absorption can play in this field.
Forum 2 Post 9/11 Impact on HVAC
Sunday, 8 am to 8:50 am, Rm. 213C
This forum provides the opportunity to express issues associated with how a building, and in particular its HVAC system, can respond to terrorist activities.
Forum 3 Filtration/IAQ Needs for Hotels
Sunday, 9 am to 9:50 am, Rm. 213C
In this forum, air contaminant levels are discussed in the context of hotel environments.
Forum 4 What Research Do You Need for Heat Pumps and Heat Recovery Systems?
Sunday, 9 am to 9:50 am, Rm. 213B
This forum solicits suggestions and comments for new research in the area of applied heat pump/heat recovery systems.
Symposium AN-04-03 Applications and Knowledge-based Tools for Enhanced Building Energy Simulation
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 213A
This symposium covers a range of topics related to building energy simulations, including fan modeling, diversity factors and schedules for energy and cooling load calculations, and a knowledge-based expert system for conceptual design of HVAC&R systems.
Symposium AN-04-04 Topics in Energy Recovery Ventilation
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 303C/D
This session examines energy recovery ventilation, including details in the construction of energy recovery wheels, selection of components and lifetime operating assessments.
Seminar 9 The ASHRAE Green Guide, Green Buildings and LEED
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 210C/D
ASHRAE's newly published Green Guide addresses matters of interest to those involved in green or sustainable design of buildings. This seminar examines how the Green Guide's concepts compare in providing engineered approaches to the design of new and remodeled buildings for the purpose of reducing or eliminating the detrimental impact on the environment.
Seminar 10 Basic Design of Refrigerated Warehouses
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 209A
Speakers enlisted from TC 10.5 present basic design concepts necessary to design a refrigerated warehouse.
Seminar 11 California Thermal Energy Storage Systems
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 210A/B
This seminar addresses the planning, design, construction, and operation of a cross-section of thermal energy storage (TES) systems systems, including sensible and phase change systems, for a range of applications.
Seminar 12 Commercial Application of Desiccant Dehumidification Technology
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 212A/B
This seminar reviews commercial applications applying desiccant dehumidification technology.
Seminar 13 Commissioning Is More Than Functional Performance Testing
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 208B
While successful commissioning requires many steps, there is an industry misconception that the only step necessary for a successfully commissioned project is to perform the functional performance test (FPT). In reality, there are additional prior critical steps. This seminar addresses these forgotten steps and their significance.
Seminar 14 Energy Use Calculations and Evaluations for Laboratories
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 211A/B
This seminar illustrates approaches on predicting, modeling, or evaluating energy use and patterns of operations in laboratories.
Seminar 15 Water Source Heat Pump Issues
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 208A
Standard ARI/ISO 13256, which became effective Jan. 1, 2000, was the first ARI/ISO collaborative standard in the HVAC industry. This seminar addresses the standard's development and integration into water source heat pump designs.
Forum 5 Beyond Standard 138P, What Is Next?
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 213B
Standard 138P, Method of Testing for Rating Hydronic Radiant Ceiling Panels, has completed its second public review. This forum establishes a common discussion platform to determine whether it is feasible to extend this standard for other types of radiant panels, such floor, wall, hybrid (load sharing), and electric panels.
Forum 6 Field vs. Factory Measurement of Centrifugal Chiller Performance
Sunday, 10:15 am - 11:05 am, Rm. 213C
This forum discusses the measurements required for adequate testing and operation of centrifugal chillers, and the methods of obtaining these measurements (field vs. factory instrumentation).
Forum 7 ASHRAE and Homeland Security: Where Have We Been and Where Should We Be Going?
Sunday, 10:15 am to 12:15 pm, Rm. 213D
ASHRAE leadership has determined that the Society will take a proactive approach to minimize risks for building occupants during extraordinary events. Members of the Presidential Ad Hoc Committee on Homeland Security update attendees on relevant homeland security matters.
Forum 8 What Changes Are Needed in Standards 41.1, 41.2 and 41.3?
Sunday, 11:15 am. to 12:05 pm, Rm. 213B
ASHRAE standards 41.1, Temperature Measurement, 41.2, Laboratory Air-Flow Measurement, and 41.3, Pressure Measurement, are being revised. This session seeks feedback on future revision.
Forum 9 What Is the Worldwide Outlook for Combustion Turbine Inlet Air Cooling Applications?
Sunday, 11:15 am. to 12:05 pm, Rm. 213C
This forum seeks input from what attendees see as the application of turbine inlet air cooling as a technology to increase power output at times of high peak usage.
Technical Session 1
Sunday, 1 pm to 3 pm, Room 213A
- A Study of Geothermal Heat Pump and Standing Column Well Performance.
- Considerations in the Design and Application of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Systems in Residential Markets.
- Results of a Residential Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Demonstration at a Military Facility in New York.
- Thermal Analysis of Solar Powered Continuous Adsorption Air Conditioning System.
Symposium AN-04-05 Factors Influencing the Energy Performance of Forced-Air Systems
Sunday, 1 pm to 3 pm, Rm. 211A/B
This symposium focuses on factors that affect heating and cooling system energy efficiency. Single number rating systems such as AFUE, HSPF, and SEER may not adequately address the actual energy efficiency of the system.
Symposium AN-04-06 Thermal and Solar Heat Gain Characteristics of Venetian Blinds
Sunday, 1 pm to 3 pm, Rm. 213D
Although the optical and solar heat gain characteristics of most window systems are fairly well understood, we still have much to learn about the energy performance of windows used in conjunction with fenestration attachments, such as Venetian blinds. This symposium will host an array of papers.
Seminar 16 First Time at an ASHRAE Meeting? This Seminar's for You!
Sunday, 1 pm to 1:50 pm, Rm. 213B
This seminar introduces new meeting attendees to the events of a Society meeting.
Seminar 17 Refrigeration Applications
Sunday, 1 pm to 3 pm, Rm. 212A/B
State-of-the-art and updated practices and design techniques in the cooling and refrigeration of vegetable and fruit produce immediately after harvest are examined.
Seminar 18 California Energy Update: Energy Efficiency Using Innovative Approaches
Sunday, 1 pm to 3 pm, Rm. 210A/B
This session provides updates on how groups within California are responding to the rapidly changing energy marketplace.
Seminar 19 Changing the Payback Paradigm: Implementing Projects Using Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Alternative Financing
Sunday, 1 pm to 3 pm, Rm. 213C
Implementation of capital-intensive projects at a facility often requires organizations to look beyond simple payback criteria and consider using life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) to identify appropriate projects. This seminar includes a primer on fundamentals and typical applications of alternative financing; cost factors from non-energy benefits; and a methodology for evaluating chiller projects using LCCA.
Seminar 20 Cleanroom Standards: What ASHRAE Members Need to Know
Sunday, 1 pm to 3 pm, Rm. 210C/D
New developments in cleanroom classification, testing, design, and construction are addressed.
Seminar 21 Commissioning: 20 Years Later
Sunday, 1 pm to 3 pm, Rm. 303C/D
This seminar looks at the commissioning process' past and future applications.
Forum 10 ASHRAE Research 2004 and Beyond
Sunday, 2 pm to 2:50 pm, Rm. 213B
ASHRAE is engaged in developing a Research Strategic Plan that will guide and direct the research projects undertaken by the Society. The Research Advisory Panel (RAP) has been charged with developing this plan and has formulated a set of themes that will guide the research.