Wrightsoft Hosts First Class in New Facility

Jan. 1, 2008
Wrightsoft, Lexington, MA, hosted the first training class in its recently completed training facility in their new headquarters. The soldout twoday class

Wrightsoft, Lexington, MA, hosted the first training class in its recently completed training facility in their new headquarters.

The soldout twoday class held February 5-6, 2008, focused on using RightSuite Universal for residential applications, the most popular class topic offered. Beginning with an overview of the program and how to use RightDraw for completing Manual J load calculations and Manual D duct designs, the class then moved to more advanced topics such as generating the bill of materials and proposal documents, and customizing the libraries and appearance of the program. Throughout the class, attendees were shown timesaving techniques and tips, including keyboard shortcuts, and how to use the program’s wizards, templates, libraries and navigation bar to improve their efficiency, reduce their learning curve, and give them an advantage over their competitors.

Although just one option offered through Wrightsoft RightUniversity, training classes are typically twoday classes focused on using the RightSuite Universal program for residential, commercial, or inhome sales applications. Taught by one of the two fulltime Wrightsoft trainers, these classes are held throughout the country, hosted by a company or distributor, and open to the public or privately held. The latest training schedule can be found at www.wrightsoft.com/training.

Upcoming classes include:
• February 20 – 21: 2Day RSU: Residential Class in Tucson, AZ
• March 18 – 19: 2Day RSU: Residential Class in Albuquerque, NM
• March 25 – 26: 2Day RSU: Residential Class in Lexington, MA
• March 25 – 26: 2Day RSU: Residential Class in Elkhart, IN
• April 23 – 24: 2Day RSU: Residential Class in Omaha, NE
• April 29 – 30: 2Day RSU: Residential Class in Arlington, TX
Other options offered through RightUniversity include workshops, webinars, and OnDemand Video Training. Workshops focus on specific aspects of RightSuite Universal such as using RightSales or RightProposal and customers are worked with individually to set up the program to meet their specific needs. Webinars, oneonone online product instruction regularly conducted by Wrightsoft’s technical support team, are customized sessions best suited for those requiring additional instruction or assistance with specific questions or tasks. For access to instruction at any time, OnDemand Training is an online resource providing a library of over 70 videos covering a variety of basic and advanced topics designed to assist a wide range of users by allowing them to learn at their own pace from any location and at any time.

To learn more about Wrightsoft RightUniversity training options or to register for a class, please contact Wrightsoft at 800/ 2258697 or [email protected].