Winners of Gustave A. Larson Company's Thirteenth Annual Supplier Evaluation were announced recently at the company's corporate headquarters and distribution center. Honored were Advanced Distributor Products, DuPont Fluoroproducts, Heatcraft Refrigeration Products, Mitsubishi Electronics America, and RenewAire. All received the 2001 Partners in Excellence and Quality (PEAQ). The PEAQ award is given annually to the top five of Larson's fifty major suppliers and manufacturers. Also chosen as the supplier sales person for the year was Dave Lindahl representing Heatcraft Refrigeration Products. Keith Rinderknecht with RAC Sales and John Saufferer with Saufferer and Associates received the second and third place awards. The winners are chosen through an evaluation of data collected throughout the year considering various measurements of the quality of partnering in business. Factors considered in the evaluation process are electronic commerce capabilities, product quality, profitability, marketing and sales support, on-time deliveries, basic credit terms, policies and procedures. Larson's PEAQ program is administered by Sue Sinclair, Vice President Inventory Management. Sinclair says, "Since the inception of the PEAQ program, we have received many positive responses from our suppliers, resulting in stronger partnerships and further streamlining the distribution channel.