The Radiant Panel Association (RPA) will offer certification testing for radiant system designers and installers at AHR Expo 2003 in Chicago, IL, on Tuesday, January 28. The RPA Certification Program recognizes technicians who demonstrate the experience and skills required to design, install and maintain high-quality radiant heating systems. The program helps improve and ensure high performance standards throughout the radiant industry and encourages technicians to seek professional training and continued education. The RPA Certification Exam begins at 8:00 a.m., January 28, 2003 in Room S-106B in Chicago’s McCormick Place Convention Center. This exam provides technicians the opportunity for certification in hydronic radiant design and/or installation. The exam takes approximately two hours and is a closed-book test comprising basic radiant knowledge with specialty questions related to either design or installation. A technician may sit for either a designer or installer certification or may elect to sit for both exams. Pre-registration for the RPA Certification Exam is required and available by calling the RPA toll-free at 800/660-7187. To qualify for registration, a radiant installer and/or designer must be actively involved in the design and/or installation of hydronic radiant heating systems and must have completed a radiant education course, or verify on-the-job training. For information on attending the AHR (Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating) Expo, January 27-29, 2003 at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, call 203/221-9232 or visit . For questions about the RPA Certification Exam, contact the RPA office at 800/660-7187, e-mail [email protected] or visit