ITS BACK: The Design/Build Seminar Returns

Sept. 1, 2003
Design/Build contractors should mark December 3-5 on their calendars and plan to join us in Orlando, FL for the return of Contracting Business Design/Build

Design/Build contractors should mark December 3-5 on their calendars and plan to join us in Orlando, FL for the return of Contracting Business’ Design/Build Seminar.

Back by popular demand, after a two-year hiatus, this year’s 14th Annual Seminar will feature the industry-leading speakers and timely topics that attendees have come to expect from this event.

Scheduled speakers and panelists include Victor Sanvido from the Southland Corp.; Glenn Friedman from Taylor Engineering; Dan Thayer from The Thayer Corporation; Malcolm Lewis from Construction Technologies Group; Scott Smith from Trimech; and Harold MacDowell from TDIndustries.

Scheduled topics include:

  • What you’ll need to know to compete for Design/Build business that must comply with new “green buildings” standards
  • Why the commissioning process is vital to the Design/Build business and how and why you should compete for it
  • How to grow your service business through diagnostic/predictive maintenance technology
  • Why commercial service people fail, and how to create a blueprint for their success
  • How Design/Build compares to plan-and-spec, construction management at risk, Design/Bid and Design/Assist
  • How and why to be a prime contractor on D/B jobs — How to set up your company to participate as prime and what resources you’ll need to compete
  • Why control expertise is a must for Design/Build practitioners and how to make money in building management controls
  • How to sell Design/Build to the school market.

More speakers and topics will be announced during the coming weeks. Watch for updates on www.contracting

Other events include a welcome reception, a special luncheon presentation of the 2003 Design/Build Awards, an optional golf outing, an business opportunities sessions presented by the meeting’s sponsors.

The headquarter hotel will be the Orlando World Center Marriott, 8701 World Center Drive (800/621-0638). There are car rental discounts through Hertz (800/654-2240, mention meeting code CV#022J1065) and air travel discounts through Continental (800/468-7022, mention agreement code U6KNT7, or Z—Code ZBV8).

For information about sponsorship opportunities, call Joe Marino at 216/931-9380 or email at: [email protected].