Emerson Releases XJ EnergySavings Caluculator

June 28, 2011
The online calculator computes how much energy can be saved with an XJ Series Copeland Scroll Outdoor Condensing Unit.

Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc., a business of Emerson (NYSE: EMR), today announced the new XJ Energy Savings Calculator for its Copeland Scroll® Outdoor Condensing Unit line. The online calculator allows contractors, businesses, engineers, and wholesalers to determine how much energy they can expect to save by applying an XJ Series unit compared to standard unit offerings. The calculator helps users find the most relevant information, applying Emerson's Annual Energy Efficiency Ratio (AEER) methodology, which uses historic average weather data from 5 climatic temperature regions in the U.S. to estimate location-specific savings scenarios.

"The XJ Energy Savings Calculator will be a useful tool for a wide variety of people and businesses that are looking to save money and energy on their refrigeration systems" said Jon Lazarow, director Foodservice Marketing. "We've done the legwork so that they can simply fill in a few parameters and find out which unit delivers the best payback."

To use the XJ Energy Savings Calculator, businesses fill in the following information:

  • Box temperature
  • Geographical location
  • Design Load Basis
  • Local electricity rate per kWh

Once those fields have been populated, the calculator displays the annual operating cost and unit savings of a XJ unit versus alternatives. The final display includes units ranging in from 1.5 to 6 horsepower, and include savings for hermetic, scroll and semi-hermetic units.

The calculator coincides with the expansion of the XJ Copeland Scroll product line, which now has the following enhancements available standard in the -012 bill of material:

  • 1.5 HP Medium Temperature Condensing Unit
  • One-way diagnostic alarm code communication capability to the E2 Einstein controller platform
  • Defrost timer standard on both medium and low temperature products Option to set minimum short-cycle prevention time delay at 20 seconds vs. standard 3 minutes

To use the calculator, visit http://xjenergycalc.emersonclimate.com/xjenergycalc/.