MSI Contributes $26,000 to Frontline Outreach

Nov. 1, 2003
Bill Dillard, founder and CEO of Mechanical Services, Inc. (MSI), Orlando, FL, recently presented a $26,760 check to Frontline Outreach, Inc. President

Bill Dillard, founder and CEO of Mechanical Services, Inc. (MSI), Orlando, FL, recently presented a $26,760 check to Frontline Outreach, Inc. President Arto Woodley, Jr. during ceremonies at the 19th Annual MSI-Frontline Outreach Golf and Tennis Benefit.

This year’s event marks MSI’s 19th consecutive year of support for Frontline Outreach, during which time MSI and its numerous business associates have contributed more than $255,000 in cash to the Orlando-based charitable organization. Says Dillard, “Together with our longtime business partners, we are strengthening families, developing leaders and preparing Central Florida’s future workforce.”

Frontline Outreach provides early childhood education and leadership programs, as well as parenting classes, job training, and GED.