Engineering Excellence, a mechanical HVAC contractor based in Cincinnati, OH, has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Energy Star, for superior energy efficiency and environmental protection. The designation signifies that the energy performance in the company's building ranks in the top 25% of facilities nationwide.
“We're pleased to accept EPA’s Energy Star, in recognition of our energy efficiency efforts,” says Thomas J. Winstel, president. "Through this achievement, we've demonstrated our commitment to low energy and sustainability within our own building. With our Energy Star rating in hand we have seen a 14% reduction in our energy use to date.”
Engineering Excellence was the 2005 Commercial HVAC Contractor of the Year.
Engineering Excellence plans to continue to implement facilities initiatives following the United States Green Building Council's (USGBC’s) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) for existing buildings as a guidepost, to certify it’s building as part of this ongoing initiative.
“It just makes good fiscal sense to take advantage of the methods, technologies and incentives of the day” says Winstel. Commercial buildings that earn the Energy Star symbol reportedly use an average of 35% less energy than typical buildings and also release 35% less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Engineering Excellence improved its energy performance by managing energy strategically across the entire organization and by making cost-effective improvements to its building. Engineering Excellence, Inc. has prevented greenhouse gas emissions equal to removing 14 cars from the road or reforesting 20 acres of trees.
“Improving the energy efficiency of our nation’s buildings is critical to preserving our environment and our natural resources, “ says Jean Lupinacci, chief of EPA’s Energy Star commercial and industrial branch. “From office buildings to hotels, supermarkets to schools, the Energy Star distinguishes those organizations who are taking environmental responsibility into their own hands.”
To earn the Energy Star, Engineering Excellence undertook upgrades to its building and restrooms, implemented recycling programs, and its employees pledged commitments to "going green."