6 Ways to Get HVAC Employees Involved — and Accountable

March 28, 2012
A constant dialogue with employees so that they understand company goals will ensure efficiency and productivity. Here’s how to reach that goal: 1. Be transparent with employees to gain buy-in. 2. Seek input.

A constant dialogue with employees so that they understand company goals will ensure efficiency and productivity. Here’s how to reach that goal:

1. Be transparent with employees to gain buy-in.

2. Seek input.

3. When facing a problem, assemble a team of employees to solve it.

4. When department cooperation becomes an issue, assemble a team just for improving working conditions.

5. Meet everyday to touch on high-level issues and work out kinks in the schedule.

6. Give experienced employees accountability to take the lead on issues.

Deciding what you want from employees concerning involvement is necessary to teach employees how to deal with change and situations that arise. The actions you take are based on whether your primary outcome is: conformance, acceptance, contribution, commitment, cooperation, concentration, accountability, or ownership.

Mike Moore is the HVAC Training Director at HVAC Learning Solutions, an HVAC industry expert in sales, technical, and business training. Visit Mike’s blog for more insights. Mike can be reached on Twitter @hvaclearning or on Google+ at gplus.to/hvactraining.