
ABB Drives Receive IBC Certification

July 14, 2008
ABB, Berlin, WI, reported recently that all ABB ACH550 base drives, new E-Clipse Bypass units, and ACH PxR drives (those with input disconnects) have been granted certification by the International Building Code (IBC). ABB received official notification of the certification in late June. “This confirmation from IBC certifies that these drives can withstand specific seismic forces and remain in use (online) and functional after an emergency has occurred,” according to Peter Walter, the product marketing manager for ABB’s line of drives sold to the commercial HVAC market.
ABB, Berlin, WI, reported recently that all ABB ACH550 base drives, new E-Clipse Bypass units, and ACH PxR drives (those with input disconnects) have been granted certification by the International Building Code (IBC). ABB received official notification of the certification in late June. “This confirmation from IBC certifies that these drives can withstand specific seismic forces and remain in use (online) and functional after an emergency has occurred,” according to Peter Walter, the product marketing manager for ABB’s line of drives sold to the commercial HVAC market. “For buildings and process industries in markets that may experience earthquakes, hurricanes and other disasters, this ability to have motors remain under precise control helps ensure critical operation of fans, pumps and a host of applications that ensure comfort and safety for users, managers and operators.” The IBC code, in various editions (IBC–2000, 2003 and 2006), currently is used at the state or local level in 47 states, plus Washington, D.C. It addresses both the design and installation of building systems, with an emphasis on performance in emergency situations. Photo: ABB’s new E-Clipse Bypass units in the ACH550 drives line are included in the IBC certification.