The Radiant Panel Association recently announced its upcoming Webinars schedule for the first quarter of 2008.
The schedule includes:
Radiant Heating and Cooling with Robert Bean
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
8pm EST — 1 hour Webinar
Baby Boomers want comfort! Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy are discussed and five factors considered: activity, clothing, operative temperature, humidity and air space. Robert Bean's Radiant Heating & Cooling reviews the fundamentals of hydronic design and radiant principles.
For additional information, click here.
Geothermal with Jeff Persons
Thursday, February 21, 2008,
8pm EST — 1 hour Webinar
Not only is a ground source heat pump an ideal solar thermal collector, when coupled with a radiant heat distribution system, it is both highly energy efficient and comfortable. Get the technical details on the design and installation of geothermal systems.
For additional information, click here.
Snow Melting with Robert Bean
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
8pm EST — 1 hour Webinar
Robert explains why security, safety and convenience are three reasons consumers consider snow melting. He explains why client, control, construct and calculations are the four considerations for snowmelt design. Robert also explains why the number one design influence on control and system performance is the characteristics of a storm.
For additional information, click here.