Hvac Comfortech 2002 is nearly upon us. This event is the industry’s largest of it’s kind — educational seminars and a product showcase for residential and light commercial contractors. In fact, the exhibitor space sold out months ago. It promises to be the largest Comfortech ever held. Yet, its importance pales in the memory of the tragic events our nation will respectfully honor on the same day that Comfortech opens its doors. A day that may forever be remembered simply as
There’s been some flag-waving on behalf of selling cars, beer, and even flags all under the guise of patriotism. This isn’t the occasion to promote an industry meeting on behalf of Mom, apple pie, or the red, white, and blue.
Some readers have noted that opening HVAC Comfortech on September 11 shows insensitivity to the memory of those who died. As you might surmise, convention sites and dates for large conferences are planned years in advance. In fact, Dallas, TX will be the site of Comfortech 2003 and St. Louis, MO, the site of Comfortech 2004.
I think back to the courage that was shown by the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors National Association when its national convention began on September 12, 2001, even after the loss of one of their own — Norma Khan, manager of member services, a passenger on American flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon. Then President Bill Trombly and other PHCC leaders decided to carry on amid the shock of human loss and the aftermath of our country’s commercial airlines brought to a halt.
But, what else were they supposed to do? Were they supposed to stand still? Were they supposed to stop living their lives and crawl into a cave? No. Cowards hide in caves; terrorists hide in caves. Americans rise up and carry on.
Okay. Maybe I’m doing a little flag-waving. But, it was okay when I was an eight-year-old Cub Scout, so why not today? I was never more scared for my country than on 9/11. I was never more proud to be an American than on that same day.
We Remember
On September 11, 2002 Comfortech will open with a moment of silence to remember those who died exactly one year ago that day.
On September 12, 2002, the Comfortech general session will open with a special tribute from a fife, drum, and bugle corps, dedicated especially to those in our industry who died during the tragic events of 9/11.
Then, we’ll move forward with Comfortech 2002. We hope you will be there to move forward with the industry. There’s so much opportunity for honest, intelligent, and well-trained HVAC contractors to provide true comfort for their customers. Comfortech was founded on the principles of providing an educational forum for contractors to learn and to share their successes. It’s a proven format that hasn’t been topped.
This year’s program features 17 new speakers who have prepared new twists on some time-tested concepts: manage projects, motivate people, and market your talents. We’re sure you’ll find more than one valuable take-away from this meeting that will amply pay for your investment and time.
Whether you take a plane, train, or automobile to Baltimore this year, you’ll find everything you’re looking for at Comfortech.
Send comments and
suggestions to Mike Murphy,
editor-in-chief, at
[email protected]
or call 216/931-9320.