The Refrigeration School
life without ref

Refrigeration 'Apocalypse' — Life Without Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

Sept. 20, 2018
People often take air conditioning and refrigeration for granted. Some have actually campaigned for an elimination of air conditioning. Here's a look at what would happen very quickly in a world without those two life essentials.

Refrigeration and air conditioning have wide-reaching impacts on nearly everything in society. 

But what would happen if refrigeration and air conditioning disappeared?  The consequences are worse than a sweaty summer and spoiled milk.

The team at The Refrigeration School – the largest HVACR school in the United States —created "The Refrigeration Apocalypse" infographic. Claims are verified with footnotes.

Here are examples of what would happen if cooling systems failed:

2 Hours: Perishable foods spoil
24 Hours: Most of the Internet goes dark.  Servers need air conditioning.
2 Days: Supermarket shelves become empty
1 Month: Medical shortages and hospital mortality rates increase
1 Year: People flee southern cities.