Bloomberg Sustainability has published its list of the states it says are the most energy-efficient.
They are:
1. Massachussetts. Energy audits, rebates and demand-reduction incentives are helping.
2. California. New building standards go into effect in 2014 to improve residential building efficiency by 25% and buildings by 30%.
3. New York. EERS program for utilities sets long-term goals.
4. Oregon. Policies started in the 1980s, including home weather proofing.
5. Connecticut. New energy law tracks energy use in state buildings and doubles funding for efficiency programs.
6. Rhode Island. A 2006 state law requires utilities to be as energy-proactive as possible.
7. Vermont. The Energy Efficiency Utility is helping.
8. Washington. $25 million for energy-efficiency projects has helped.
9. Maryland, thanks to EmPOWER Maryland program. Looking at 15% decrease by 2015.
10. Illinois is in the top 10 for the first time is seven years.
Read more about each energy-efficient state here.