UPDATE on That Library

July 31, 2013
The library staff has been holding auctions and other fundraising activities, and so far has raised $5,000.

In my June blog, I described the plight of the Walnut Public Library, in Walnut, IL, as it seeks funds for a new HVAC system.

The total cost will be about $25,000, and the library is on its own in paying for it. I called librarian MIchele McAlvey for an update. She told me they've managed to bank $5,000 towards the new system. I asked a few more questions and learned that the city of about 1,500 people has only two businesses left in town that provide any significant tax base relief: Walnut Custom Homes and a nursing home. The rest of its monies come from an Equal Assessed Valuation of property. Other than that, the tax base that would help the county fund things such as the library is very small.

'Hello, company PR departments? Opportunity calling!'

I told Librarian McAlvey that I'd mention this to our readers again, in the hope that a contractor/distributor/manufacturer might team up to provide the hardware and manpower for this need. The library's number is 815-379-2159.

("Hello, company PR departments? Opportunity calling!")

We often hear of industry folks doing good deeds in the aftermath of natural disasaters, or for various holiday charity drives. See what you can do when ya got a minute. Thanks!