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TDIndustries: Navigating Toward Success in the 'New Normal'

July 1, 2020

DALLAS, TX — While TDIndustries —a specialty mechanical contractor and facility services company—isn’t entirely sure what its new normal is going to look like, the company is actively working to keep its customers, clients, and partners safe and prepared for upcoming challenges. In the meantime, TDIndustries is very fortunate to be designated an essential services company, and similarly privileged to have a strong balance sheet and strong leadership that have been able to guide it through this unusual time.

“While we have seen some projects put on hold, they are coming back. This, coupled with TDIndustries' diverse offerings in both construction and service, as well as our multiple geographical locations, has helped minimize our reduction in force. Our supply chain is also resilient, and we have been able to still meet our commitments on our projects,” says Hattie Peterson, senior vice president of marketing and communications.

TDIndustries’ engineering team has been busy lately: On one end of the spectrum, they’re researching, analyzing and consulting on the best technologies to improve indoor air quality on customers’ projects. On the other, they’re heavily involved in several design-build, fast-track projects. Many healthcare companies are preparing for second waves and future code changes, while commercial offices and educational facilities are planning for new ways to protect their tenants, workers and students when they return to work.

As a company, TDIndustries is following all state and local regulations on re-opening offices and support work. The company continuously updates its procedures to adapt to what this new normal may require. “As the company begins to prepare to return to the workplace, TD’s engineering team has been very active in identifying solutions that our customers can use to reduce the risk of infection and improve air quality in their facilities. These include identifying viable HVAC system solutions, assessments of current

equipment, as well as options for installing touchless systems,” says Peterson.

TDIndustries is an active advisor when it comes to mechanical processes, but the critical nature of reopening the economy while simultaneously preparing for future spikes in COVID-19 cases has made MEP subcontractor early involvement crucial. 

In addition, TDIndustries has installed wash stations with soap or sanitizer at each jobsite; and its San Antonio and Arizona branches recently worked with a few local distilleries to purchase hard-to-find hand sanitizer for their field and service partners. 

TDIndustries is an active advisor when it comes to mechanical processes, but the critical nature of reopening the economy while simultaneously preparing for future spikes in COVID-19 cases has made MEP subcontractor early involvement crucial. Recently, TDIndustries hosted a webinar to discuss possible options for its customers. You can visit to view the webinar. 

Safety Is Paramount
While most office staff are working from home, for those that do need to be in the office, face coverings, temperature checks and digital sign-in/sign-out sheets are required. Additional efforts include a weekly wellness check-in through internal Facebook and communications portals. These check-ins include stress reduction tips including breathing exercises and yoga moves, as well as leadership training and Partner Appreciation acknowledgements from not only leadership, but peer-to-peer. 

TDIndustries continues to encourage its partners to use their stop-work authority if they see unsafe actions or social distancing violations.

In the field, TDIndustries is requiring temperature checks before arriving to the jobsite and wearing face coverings on every jobsite and in its facilities. TDIndustries continues to encourage its partners to use their stop-work authority if they see unsafe actions or social distancing violations. For tasks that require working in close proximity—less than 6 feet—protocols encourage partners, foremen and leadmen to innovate, use additional equipment, or find other ways to mitigate the risk of transmission. “We anticipate some heavy editing to indoor air quality standards, new workplace procedures—both short-term like face coverings, 6-foot distancing and directional walking routes, and longer term such as electronic sign-in sheets and more teleworking opportunities,” says Peterson. “Our project and service teams are offering contactless reporting and e-signatures through our Visual Intelligence program. We’ve also revised our cleaning protocols to reduce transmission and scheduled many alternative methods for cleaning, inspecting and maintenance.”

TDIndustries’ Servant Leadership culture is shining through. Partners are coming together to support one another whether financially through its TDCares program, or emotionally as it finds ways to stay positive during this unprecedented time. Partners are also finding new ways to accomplish their work and many of their new methods and innovations will help TD becomes more efficient and productive long after COVID-19 is gone. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the construction industry closer as we all strive to find creative solutions to protect our partners working in the field,” says Peterson. “It certainly hasn’t been easy. The industry has been booming the past few years, so the economic shutdown has been an emotional and financial shock. It is truly amazing to see how our industry has come together in support of one another. Our partners both inside TD and outside of TD have truly demonstrated strength and commitment in keeping the construction spirit alive and viable.”

Community Outreach
TDIndustries partners with many groups throughout the year. Currently, many of those groups have asked to swap roles. For example, VNA Meals on Wheels employees are now delivering all meals rather than TDIndustries volunteers. This decision helps provide work for their employees and keeps the potential for COVID-19 spread to a minimum. Many of the recipients are elderly, which are highly susceptible to contracting the virus. “TDIndustries is still acting as the collection location at our office; however, we have changed our layout and processes to minimize contact when handling food and with the delivery partners. Our TDIndustries employees who usually deliver the meals, are calling the recipients to help coordinate the drop-offs while still making a personal connection,” says Peterson.