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Join #CLLchat On Tuesday August 15, 2017 at 8pm ET!

Aug. 2, 2017
Topic will be: how contracting business owners can transition from management to leadership. Chat participants will receive a special deep discount code for An All-Access Pass or a Free Exhibit Hall Pass to Contractor Leadership LIVE.

This chat has concluded. To see highlights from the chat - including the discount code - visit #CLLchat Previews the Best of Contractor Leadership LIVE!

How does a contractor make the transition from being a manager to becoming a leader? Leadership entails being an influencer, not merely the boss. While many successful contractors have put in place systems to manage their processes, those with true leadership skills can influence their teams to produce results that are wins for the contractors, their service technicians and their customers.

  • Join us and 5 of our world-class educators speaking at Contractor Leadership LIVE for #CLLchat on Tuesday, August 15th, 8-9 PM ET where we’ll answer the following questions:

  • How does a technician make the mental change to being a business owner?
  • A contracting business owner may confuse being management with ordering people around. How does the owner make the transition from boss to “leadership”?
  • What are the differences between management and leadership?
  • How does a contractor figure out that he really needs to hire middle management?

  • How does a contractor learn to let go and let his new middle managers manage?
  • What are some leadership tactics that contracting business owners can use to get the most out of his team?
  • What kind of resources can contracting business owners tap to get leadership training, either in-person or online?
  • There are various contractor associations, best practices groups, and franchises available for contractors. How does a contracting business owner figure out which one is best for him?
  • When: August 15, 2017, 8-9 PM ET

    Where: Log onto your Twitter account, use the hashtag #CLLchat and follow/participate in the conversation here or

    Join the #CLLchat and as a thank you for participating we will give you a discount code for 40% off to attend Contractor Leadership LIVE 2017 in Cleveland September 12-14 at the end of the chat.