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Differentiating your Contracting Business

Nov. 18, 2019

As an HVAC professional, you know that good technicians are the lifeblood of your business. They are on the front line every day working directly with customers.  You rely on them to get the job done and to be a positive representation of your company. In today’s competitive environment, an HVAC company must separate itself from the competition to grow sales and attract the best talent.

One strategy you may not have considered is to implement a uniform rental program to help  technicians make a positive first impression, improve employee morale and make a positive impact on business results.

  • Build your brand, stand out from the competition

A team of technicians without clean, consistent uniforms – or without uniforms entirely – represents a missed opportunity for your HVAC business to build your brand. In fact, according to a national survey, 81% of adults would be more likely to trust a home service professional wearing a uniform.1 Giving service technicians clean, professional uniforms customized with your company name or logo is a cost-effective way to project a positive brand image – at every job.

  • Boost your bottom-line with no upfront costs

By implementing a reliable uniform rental program, you can avoid taking the sudden financial hit that comes with purchasing uniforms outright. Instead, you can spread the cost across the lifetime of the plan, which often covers other costly items like garment repairs and replacements. Uniform programs also promote flexibility for managers to outfit newly hired techs and remove them when they leave. Instead of purchasing uniforms intermittently and in bulk, a uniform program allows you to more easily forecast how uniforms fit into monthly and annual budgets.

  • Improve technician morale, aid in recruiting and retention

One reason you may not have considered a uniform program is the idea that uniforms are typically boring, stiff, and uncomfortable. Largely, this is no longer true – many uniform companies have taken a retail-inspired approach to their garments – creating products your techs would be proud to wear. In fact, a uniform program can boost morale and help techs feel like part of a team. In a high-turnover industry, keeping employees engaged and satisfied can be another competitive advantage – and a uniform program can be another great benefit to help reduce tech turnover.

HVAC businesses of any size stand to gain considerably from implementing a first-rate uniform rental program. From retaining employees to improving brand image, partnering with a trustworthy uniform provider can provide key competitive advantages to help your HVAC company grow.

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1 Survey conducted by The Harris Poll, November 10, 2014