CALL FOR ENTRIES: Our Focus on Regional HVAC Teams Begins in July
May 18, 2021
During the second half of 2021, Contracting Business will feature profiles of independent residential HVAC businesses from the major US regions.*
But to make this happen, we need some help. We're asking interested residential HVAC business owners or managers to:
1. Let us know you want to be included, and,
2. Respond to our list of profile questions, which will be provided. Short interviews will be conducted in addition to accepting written responses.
The regional schedule will be:
July: East
August: South
September: Midwest
October: Southwest
November: West
Entries and nominations will only be accepted from the individual HVAC contracting businesses.
Send your request to be included to Terry McIver, at [email protected].
*We will not be covering franchise operations.