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Maximizing the Offseason in Contracting

Aug. 27, 2021
Plan during the lull between summer and fall/winter, so you're not unprepared for heating season. And EPIC2021 draws near.

 With the overload of on-demand service calls filling your summer, it can be difficult to find time to plan for the upcoming shoulder season, which can leave unprepared contractors desperate and scrambling to make ends meet.

This week, Russ Horrocks helps you plan for the inevitable downturn in business that comes with the mild fall weather by providing guidance on communication, personnel contingencies, follow-up, and much more. .

Plus, get an inside look at EPIC2021, the Ultimate Educational Event for Contractors, coming to you live on the Las Vegas strip October 28-29. You won't want to miss it! 

All that and more on this week’s episode of Cracking the Code, free for all until 9/3 at