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Contractor University’s Cracking the Code Weekly Show: HVAC Customer Service and Dispatching Pt. 1

Jan. 12, 2024
Learn how to balance quality and quantity so that you can both keep your customers happy and make your bottom line. 

In business, it’s easy to want it all. But it’s unfair to ask the world of your employees and you can’t sacrifice customer satisfaction.

Instead, you need to set realistic goals your business can meet while still keeping the lights on.

This week’s episode of Cracking The Code centers on your customer dispatching process. Learn how to balance quality and quantity so that you can both keep your customers happy and make your bottom line. 

All that and more on this week’s episode of Cracking the Code – watch, free for all until January 18th, at MyContractorUniversity.com/CBS-Show.

About the Author

Gary Elekes | President

Gary Elekes is the president of EPC Training, co-founder of iMarket Solutions, an HVAC and plumbing contractor, and a recognized expert in lead generation and contracting with more than 30 years of experience in the trades. He is also a founding faculty member of EGIA Contractor University, which provides contractors with the training, tools and resources to build the business and life of their dreams.
For additional information, visit egia.org/university.