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Contractor University’s Cracking the Code Weekly Show: How to Build Your Dream Team

March 1, 2024
The owner focuses on growing the business while the team works out the daily details.

Life as a business owner is full of twists and turns: the new hire can’t close a sale, you’re getting bad customer reviews or maybe Congress passes legislation that’ll disrupt the entire industry.

It's easy to overreact to a single problem while forgetting that you have larger interests at stake. 

Since 1971, Rick True has had a major stake in running his company, Batchelor’s Service, by only focusing on what he’s good at, and then finding people who can do the rest. He’s had plenty of time to find good people in the industry, and on this week’s Cracking the Code True explains how he did it. Scott Deming leads the discussion.

All that and more on this week’s episode of Cracking the Code – watch, free for all through March 7th, at

About the Author

Weldon Long | New York Times Best Selling Author & Creator of the HVAC Sales Academy

Weldon Long is a successful entrepreneur, sales expert, EGIA Contractor University faculty member, and author of the New York Times bestseller, The Power of Consistency:Prosperity Mindset Training for Sales and Business Professionals (Wiley). In 2009, his HVAC company was selected by Inc. Magazine as one of America’s fastest growing privately held companies.

About the Author

Scott Deming | Consultant

Motivational speaker, trainer and business consultant Scott Deming serves on the faculty of EGIA Contractor University.