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When to Exit Your HVAC Business, Part 2
The contracting game is all about customer retention today. Keep the customer, keep more business from the customer, lower your marketing costs, boost trust, and reduce competitive bidding. While the service agreement is the time tested approach to building customer loyalty, not every customer will invest. For those who do not – at least, not yet – here are a dozen leave behinds to help keep your brand top of mind.
The objective with any leave behind is to keep your brand visible, affordably. So, the leave behind should be useful, but not too expensive. The question is, useful to whom? Who calls, the man or the woman of the house? Who is waiting for your technician, the man or the woman? Most calls for service are made by a woman and a woman is home when the tech arrives. Thus, leave behinds should be viewed as usefulness for a woman.
Ed. note: Visit 4Imprint USA for many examples.