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    EGIA’s 'Cracking the Code' Weekly Show: Exceeding Customer Expectations

    Nov. 2, 2018
    How to ensure every homeowner has that unrivaled customer experience, and how to incorporate financing options into the sales presentation.

    It's not just about meeting the customer's expectations. Many companies will do that. It's about exceeding those expectations -- delivering that exceptional "WOW" experience. But how?

    This week, New York Times bestselling author Weldon Long and Gary Elekes tackle that very question of how to ensure every homeowner has that unrivaled customer experience -- every time.

    Plus, in the Q&A section, we're talking the best financing offerings -- and incorporating them into the sales presentation -- and how to properly spiff salespeople and service techs. All that and more, on this week's episode of Cracking the Code.

    Watch now at EGIA.org/CBS-Show before it enters the EGIA members-only archive on 11/09.