Terry McIver
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AGC to Hold Jobsite 'Safety Stand Downs' April 9

April 6, 2020
Stephen Sandherr issued a video message to AGC members, requesting their participation in a Safety Stand Down.

April 6, 2020Associated General Contractors of America President/CEO Stephen E. Sandherr, today issued a video call for AGC member construction firms to participate in a "Coronavirus Safety Stand Down," Thursday, April 9, 2020. The goal of the stand down is to ensure all workers on jobsites staffed by AGC member contractors understand and are following relevant safety guidelines.

The text of Mr. Sandherr's remarks:

"One of the defining characteristics of the commercial construction industry, is your unwavering commitment to the safety and health of every construction worker.

"Given the current COVID-19 pandemic your workers and the American public are relying on you to continue that commitment to safety.

"It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no margin for error when it comes to protecting your workforce and the public from the spread of the Coronavirus.

"That is why we are asking you to join with AGC of America members across the country, on Thursday, April 9th, in holding Coronavirus “Safety Stand Downs” at your jobsites.

"Stand downs will provide an opportunity for you to make sure that everyone working on your jobsite understands and follows all relevant safety guidelines provided by public health and safety officials.

"Our safety team is crafting guidelines to help you organize the stand downs in a socially distanced way and provide content to share with your teams."

That content was to have been delivered to AGC members by Monday, April 6.

"We are also asking you to let us know if you plan to participate in the stand down, number of workers to participate and if you will allow media to cover the live stand downs. The first priority of these stand downs is to protect your workers. We also have an obligation to reassure the public that the construction industry is doing its part to protect all of us from the spread of the Coronavirus. These are challenging times, but I know that if any group of people can overcome this challenge, it is AGC contractors." 

You can view Mr. Sandherr's message HERE.