For me, one of the great advantages of this column is to have the opportunity to communicate about association matters that I believe are relevant but perhaps not “top of mind” for many of our members.
In a very short time, HARDI President Bill Shaw will appoint a nominating committee chair to begin the annual process of selecting officers and replacement directors for election by the membership at the annual fall conference. While we have been through this process for three years since the consolidation, it appears many have forgotten or perhaps never really understood the process that we communicated and set down in the association bylaws. While I doubt this information will generate extreme excitement or a rapid heartbeat for many, it is nonetheless important to review, as every member has the responsibility to understand and participate in the process.
First of all, the HARDI board consists of the president, immediate past president, president-elect, vice president, secretary/treasurer and eight (8) regional wholesale member directors, two (2) supplier member director advisors, one manufacturer's rep director advisor and the executive vice president. HARDI elects officers to one-year terms, and directors and director advisors to three-year terms.
The nominating committee chair, generally the immediate past president, will select a committee consisting of a former president, the supplier member committee chair and the directors in the positions up for replacement. The nominating committee has the responsibility for presenting a nominee for election to two (2) regional director and one (1) director advisor seats, and the vice president and secretary/treasurer positions. The president-elect automatically proceeds to the presidency. (The two regional directors and the director advisor who have completed their terms are eligible for renomination.)
We've undertaken the following process to assist the nominating committee in identifying prospective nominees for the various positions.
Each HARDI member firm receives a fax-back request to provide nominees for the open director and director advisor positions.
Staff prepares a listing of all wholesaler, supplier and manufacturer rep member prime contacts eligible for the positions with past board and committee/council chair positions noted.
Sixty (60) days before the annual meeting, the current regional director of an open region may submit recommendations of individuals in leadership positions within the region for consideration.
Candidates for officer positions must have prior board experience.
We consider committee and/or council and regional meeting participation important to a complete understanding of the needs of the association and the value of membership. We recommend that the nominating committee consider candidates who possess experience in both important areas of the association.
We also recommend that candidates for the board have an executive- level position within their respective company and have the flexibility to participate in the association governance as dictated by the board position.
After receiving the information, the nominating committee then begins the process of selecting the most qualified candidates whom they present to the membership at the annual meeting. Nominations from the floor are also requested for each position before the vote.
The preceding is a synopsis of this important process. For further details, please review the association bylaws available at in the Members Only section or request a copy from the HARDI office. Also please do not hesitate to contact me if you need additional information.