Danfoss announces it will sponsor the Alliance to Save Energy's EE Global Forum for the fifth consecutive year. The 2012 Energy Efficiency Global Forum (EE Global) will be held March 27-29 at the Peabody Resort in Orlando, FL.
Danfoss North America President John Galyen will participate in one of the Forum's executive dialogue sessions on Thursday, March 29. Titled “Leveraging Technology to Increase Energy Efficiency,” the session will examine recent technology trends that are helping businesses improve their energy efficiency and their bottom line, and will be moderated by Jean Lupinacci, head of the Energy Star® program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Also during EE Global, Danfoss will present its 2012 EnVisioneer of the Year award, which recognizes U.S. end-users, building owners and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that have introduced a new product, opened a new facility or invested in a building or system upgrade in the past 18 months using Danfoss products or solutions to realize significant energy and/or environmental savings.
Now in its fifth year, EE Global is the only international event that focuses solely on energy efficiency from the perspective of all energy end-use sectors (buildings, industrial, transportation and consumer) and covers the crosscutting issues of finance, policy, technology and market transformation. The three-day forum also seeks to build strategic alliances among international governments, business and the public interest sector.
EE Global features three plenary sessions and a series of 20 concurrent executive dialogue programs that focus on a variety of timely topics and touch upon every end-use sector. In addition, Solutions Showcase will allow experts to showcase their best practices and strategies for energy-efficient deployment. EE Global will also offer in-depth pre-conference workshops on Tuesday, March 27.
The inaugural EE Global Forum was held in Washington, D.C., in 2007, and last year in 2011, hosted more than 400 delegates from all sectors of the industry — working in government, business and NGOs, and hailing from 39 countries.
Visit www.eeglobalforum.org for additional information.