New HARDI Members

Aug. 1, 2010
HARDI is pleased to introduce to you the newest association members. Joining the ranks of the top HVACR companies in the industry are: Distributor Members

HARDI is pleased to introduce to you the newest association members. Joining the ranks of the top HVACR companies in the industry are:

Distributor Members

Comfort Supply
Fridley, MN
Donald Boelke, Mgr.
Sponsored by: Mike Dungan, Sales Engineers Inc.

Economic Electric Motors
Miami, FL
Allen Alavi, Pres.

M&A Supply Company
Nashville, TN
Eddie R. Anderson, Pres.

Morrison Supply
Amarillo, TX
Loy Rice, V. Pres.

Service Vendor Member

J&M Industries Inc.
Overland Park, KS
Steven W. Harrison, V. Pres.

Manufacturer Members

Enertech Manufacturing
Greenville, IL
Jeff Hammond, V. Pres.

General Tools & Instruments
New York, NY
Eddie Mann, V. Pres.

Hallowell International
Bangor, ME
Duane A. Hallowell, Pres./CEO
Sponsored by: David McIlwaine, HVAC Distributors Inc.

Koch Filter Corp.
Louisville, KY
Regina McAnally, Bus. Dev. Mgr.
Sponsored by: Troy Meachum, ACR Supply Co.

Midwest Ducts
Prairie Farm, WI
Herb Gibson, Gen. Mgr.

System Dynamics Inc.
Scottsdale, AZ
Bill Seneff, Pres.

Houston, TX
Aparna Tripathi, V. Pres.
Wholesale Div.
Sponsored by: Luke Bloodworth Jr., Cain Manufacturing

Not a member?

Our members are leaders in the HVACR industry. Members include distributors, plan & spec distributors, integrated wholesale distributors, manufacturers, manufacturers' representatives, service vendors, marketing/purchasing/cooperatives and more.

For membership information, call HARDI toll-free at 888/253-2128 or e-mail [email protected].

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Be rewarded for bringing in new members! Sponsor a new member and earn HARDI Bucks, which can be used toward any activity or event sponsored by National (not Regional) HARDI: conferences, schools and seminars, dues and Independent Study Institute courses. Visit and print out the appropriate application. Fill out the sponsor line and forward it to the prospective member(s) of your choice. When your prospective member completes and submits the application to HARDI, you'll be notified. Once the application is approved and the new member activates membership by paying dues, HARDI will mail you your HARDI Bucks. For more information, contact Sue Calvin at 888/253-2128 or [email protected].