Honeywell Names National Energy Control Corporation as ControLinks Distributor

Nov. 22, 2011
Honeywell recently named National Energy Control Corporation as a ControLinks Distributor.

Honeywell recently named National Energy Control Corporation as a ControLinks Distributor. ControLinks represents a huge step forward in fuel/air ratio optimization for boilers. There are tremendous sustainable efficiencies to be gained by doing away with mechanical linkages and providing repeatable fuel/air ratio optimization. Additionally, it affords NECC the ability to partner the boiler experts and the building automation experts together, something that normally has not happened.

Typically, boilers have older mechanical linkage systems with a foot mounted actuator to position both air and fuel at the same time. Linkageless systems replace the single actuator with separate direct-coupled actuators for the air, fuel and flue gas recirculation, if required. Easy to install, ControLinks helps you realize real energy savings, increased turndown, reduced emissions and system reliability in one cost effective package.

Contact NECC today to learn more about the benefits of installing ControLinks at