Fred Habegger Sr. founded Cincinnati, OH-based The Habegger Corp. in 1952. During the next 18 years, he established a legacy that he hoped would survive him by many years. Just before he died in 1970, he told his son, Fred Jr., that the long-term survival of the family business was now in his hands. He was confident that Fred would not only be able to lead the company through the second generation but to also transition it successfully into the third generation. Those are pretty good marching orders for a young man of 31.
With the partnership of brothers Tom and Jim and sister Sue, the company was successfully managed for the next 32 years. Their success was historic as the second generation of Habegger grew the company from a single back-alley warehouse into one of the most dynamic Bryant and Carrier distributors in the United States.
It's been said that transitioning a family business successfully into the second generation is very difficult and into the third almost impossible. With that in mind, the company hired John Dorr in 2002 as the new CEO of The Habegger Corp. and the potential bridge to the third generation. In the past nine years, Dorr has led the company to new heights of performance and at the same time prepared Brian Habegger and the entire Habegger management team for the challenges ahead. Brian was promoted to president on Jan. 1 as the transition to the third generation continues.
Hopefully, some time in the distant future Fred will be able to say to his son Brian, “You've done a nice job leading the third generation, and now it's about time to begin thinking about the fourth.”
The Habegger family would like to thank their wonderful customers, employees and vendor partners for their friendship and loyalty over these past 60 years. Those are two special gifts that will always be cherished.
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