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2014 construction has a positive end of year report from FMI

A Great End Expected for Construction This Year

Dec. 30, 2014
Contracting businesses will usually benefit from good news for the construction industry, so we were happy to see a recent report from FMI that gives a positive outlook for the end of the year.

Contracting businesses will usually benefit from good news for the construction industry, so we were happy to see a recent report from FMI that gives a positive outlook for the end of the year. On Contractor Magazine’s website, it was reported that total construction put in place for 2014 will be $62 million greater than last year, a 7 percent increase.

Commercial and manufacturing construction are two of the largest growth sectors, accounting for more than $111 billion in new construction.

“With new and apparently sustainable sources of natural gas and shale oil, America is on the verge of a veritable manufacturing renaissance building petrochemical plants in the Gulf and gaining interest from more companies, especially foreign-owned companies, considering relocating manufacturing to America,” Randy Giggard, managing director of research services for FMI, said.

Read more from this most recently FMI report on Contractor’s website.