American Aldes Makes Improvements to Its Award-Winning Product
With all the home improvement and design shows on TV and online, homeowners and builders are more sophisticated than ever when it comes to healthy homes and energy efficiency. If they haven’t asked you about their options yet, they will. VentZone® Systems by American Aldes is the most advanced and effective home ventilation systems on the market today. They’re also among the most innovative, so much so that the system earned honorable mention for ASHRAE’s Innovation Award. Not only that, but we’ve built upon that success, listened to suggestions from contractors like you, and improved upon the system to make it even easier to install.
Here’s how it works (don’t feel like reading? watch the demonstration video). The ultra energy-efficient VentZone® Systems combine zoned bathroom exhaust PLUS whole-house ventilation with a single heat or energy recovery ventilator. Two of our most popular products make up the VentZone® System: The Zone Register Terminal® (ZRT) and an ALDES Heat or Energy Recovery Ventilator (HRV or ERV).
Aldes ZRTs provide the zoned bathroom exhaust. ZRTs take the place of individual fans or grilles like those found on remote inline fan kits. They’re multifunctional in that they provide two types of ventilation: continuous low-level ventilation every home needs to keep indoor air healthy, and boosted ventilation as needed to remove humidity, odors and other pollutants in the bathroom. Controlling the airflow on a zone-by-zone basis saves energy and reduces the load on heating and cooling systems.
Each ZRT provides a specified amount of continuous whole house IAQ ventilation through a constant airflow regulator when the damper is closed. When called upon by any switch, timer, dehumidistat, or occupancy sensor, the ZRT damper opens and ventilates at a higher rate of CFM to rapidly remove steam, odors or other indoor pollutants. Low-voltage power to operate controls and ZRTs are supplied from the ALDES heat or energy recovery ventilator. These are the only air exchangers in the industry to provide this ease of installation, time and cost savings benefit.
The ZRTs exhaust air via an ALDES heat or energy recovery ventilator. During normal operation, the air exchanger is operating at a specified lower level of air flow needed for whole house indoor IAQ. When activated by a zoned ZRT control, the air exchanger automatically ventilates at a higher rate to provide boosted ventilation to that space only.
This provides energy efficient, balanced ventilation, so when air is being exhausted from the home, fresh air is also being brought in. This avoids negative pressure on the home and improves indoor air quality while maximizing energy recovery.
If you’ve heard about VentZone® Systems before but haven’t tried them, now’s the time. This year we made exciting new changes to our heat and energy recovery ventilators to make VentZone® Systems even better. The heat or energy recovery ventilators have near-universal compatibility with advance dry contact control, allowing direct interlock with the HVAC systems and most air exchanger controls. They’ve also got onboard, low-voltage supply to power up to 5 Aldes ZRTs, so they can be installed by a single trade in most cases. The heat and energy recovery ventilators are compatible with Aldes controllers and most other controllers on the market. These design advances make these the most advanced and effective home ventilation systems available. Find brochures, spec sheets, videos and more here.