Eric Aune partner and owner of Mechanical Hub

Some Friendly Faces in the Crowd From AHR 2015

Feb. 5, 2015
At this year’s AHR Expo 2015, our staff walked the aisles and events to find some interesting people to speak with.

At this year’s AHR Expo 2015, our staff walked the aisles and events to find some interesting people to speak with. On our sister site, CONTRACTOR Magazine, we posted our 2015 Faces in the Crowd gallery.

One of the faces was Eric Aune, partner and owner of Mechanical Hub:

When asked what his biggest business issue of 2015 will be at Monday's Taco Hospitality Event, Aune said it will be finding qualified, skilled labor to expand his business.

"It’s been hard for a long time, I think the problem is only going to get worse," he said.

Visit CONTRACTOR’s website and read more about what people had to say at this year’s expo.