Ebook: Leadership in Practice

March 15, 2017
Three articles specifically selected regarding leadership development for HVACR businesses. 

Are you a Leader?

• Beyond carrying the keys to unlock the doors, are you leading your heating and air conditioning team to new heights of excellence?
• Are you handling conflicts effectively?
• Are you inspiring your team to beat last month’s numbers, and are they responding?
• Are you building new leaders from within your field and office support teams?

Bottom line: every team needs a leader. Leadership — even at its most basic level — involves taking steps that are your responsibilities, and yours alone.

The following articles are provided by three of the best consultants in the business: Vicki LaPlant, Mike Moore, and Tom Piscitelli. Combined, they have more than 100 years of experience in the HVAC industry, from manufacturing to sales and marketing.

Download this eBook, and do all you can to apply these thought leaders ideas to your own leadership development.

To access your free ebook please fill out the form below.